The 2022 season was a welcome return to normality, and both anglers and fish returned in their numbers to give us record catches.
Brown Trout
The 2022 season for began like all the others being cold, wet and windy which is always challenging for the early season anglers by the middle of May temperatures were on the rise and fish were now biting, best months turned out to be May, June, and August with a total of just over 2,400 for the season from the catch return sheets that were handed in, Lochs that performed well in terms numbers caught were Upper Kildonan, Mill, Stilligarry and Lower Bornish.
Average weight of the total fish caught was 14ozs and the best fish coming from West Ollay of just over 9lbs.
Other lochs that produced best trout for the season were Stilligarry, Grogarry, and Lower Bornish which were on the 4lb mark. Percentage returned this season was 94% which is a fantastic result achieved by all our anglers.
Sea Trout
Sea Trout catches were down 26% on last year with a recorded total of 293 and Averaging 26ozs. Best performing in terms of numbers was loch Fada with 103 recorded.
Lochs in terms of numbers caught were Bharp, Roag and Fada with best months being August and September.
Best sea trout this season was just over 6lbs from Roag, Other lochs which produced best sea trout for the season were Mill, Fada and Schoolhouse which were on the 4-6lb mark. Percentage returned this season 92% which again is a fantastic number.
Salmon numbers were up to near normal levels in 2022 with a total of 39 recorded from the return sheets handed in, although the numbers appear small it’s encouraging to see catches moving in the right direction. Lochs that produced the bulk of the numbers were Roag and Fada with weights between 6 and 8lbs, Best fish for the season was caught on Lower Kildonan of just over 8lbs.
Percentage return rate from Salmon was 100%.